It was a random photo on the internet with a link to a personal blog on hikes in Maine. It was there that I instantly became drawn, the scenic photos just called out to me. I knew then that this spot called Bar Harbor, Maine home of Acadia National Park was a travel destination I had to add on my list. I had searched countless images of this magnificent place, saving photos of the different spots of the park I wanted to see. I researched prices for airfare, hotels and car rentals. Which were pricey, approxamitley$500-$550 a person for 5-7hr flight with layovers during peak summer season. I was feeling a little discouraged. I had flown to Europe with my son less than a year ago from the states for $479 each. Maine would have to wait or did it? The Covid19 pandemic strikes the country, paralyzing the travel industry. As a business professional with the ability to work remote with a child whose schooling was all online, we decided to take the road trip out East to Maine.
Cadillac Mountain climbing Labor Day weekend the South Ridge 6.7 mile trail. This trail is heavily trafficked, level of difficulty I would say moderate. If you are looking for a paved evened trail or something to do with small children this is not it. The trail has exposed tree roots, rocks and there will be points of you climbing up boulders. There is a steady incline elevation grade approx 1,600 feet. Having gone in the morning, avoiding the suns midday heat we were able to comfortably complete the trail. There were points of the hike where we were walking through the fog/clouds which my son enjoyed. It’s not until you reach the top summit point where you have a clear view of the coast. Once you do reach that point, sit back and relax to soak in the views. For us it was a bit windy, but we enjoyed after hiking 3 miles. My son like others, made a rock formation pile signaling to all our journey to the top was complete.