My name is Mel, sharing with you mine and my family’s love of travel adventures, hikes and other recreational activities. I am a firm believer in creating moments rather than accumulating things or wasting time “keeping up with the Joneses” lifestyle facades.
In a world of technology advancements its easy to be distracted, leaving a disconnect between loved ones. That’s why finding balance is so important than ever. In my household we live a simple life. We live within our means, our income is divided into 3 categories: Savings, Living expenses & Family activities. That’s hard to do in the world we live in with hand held gadgets, 24/7 connectivity to the world, nonstop advertising and social media outlets at every corner. Every second your attention and/or will power to shop is being tested.
How I came into this realization, make the lifestyle choice for me.
As a child growing up, my parents didn’t take us on vacations. Nor did my siblings and I participate in many fun-filled family activities. As a matter of fact my childhood behind closed doors despite the image portrayed was anything, but happy or healthy. Parent One: was a narcissist, who focused their energy impressing others for their own personal grandiose, dismissive of family members. Parent Two: a depressant who found comfort in buying meaningless stuff to fill emotional voids rather than be engaged. Now that may sound a bit harsh, by no means no family is perfect but that was mine in a nutshell. My siblings and I forced into parentification with grown-up like adult burdens, robbed of carefree childhood moments.
Now I’m not sympathy seeking here. I’ve come a long way from then, having stumbled countless times in the process to find my serenity.
Today, I am living my best life. And the best part of my life are the moments shared with my husband and son.
I choose a life of moments not materials. Hoping to give you inspiration to do the same.

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